Cocoon, 91 x 122cm, oil on canvas, 2021, Kanny Yeung.jpg

2021-2022 野生嘢 Wild Things

Observing refractions of light in space,
translating between sight and sound,
and processing the nature of things.

See reverberating textures,
hear interlocking shapes,
and sense parallel spirits.


Immerse, 102 x 76cm, oil on canvas, 2021, Kanny Yeung.
Photography by Dave Teng.


Layers—alternating between the shades of dark and light.

At the start it’s easy, then, you have to be more careful where you place the darks and lights.

And as you add more and more of each, you will find there are more greys.


Mother, 122 x 91cm, oil on canvas, 2021, Kanny Yeung.
Photography by Dave Teng.


Installation view: The Corridor of Sounds (Clack, Rustle, Pitter Patter, Drip, Shh, Zzz), 10 x 8cm each, oil on canvas, 2022, Kanny Yeung.
野生嘢 Wild Things (2022) duo exhibition at Parallel Space, Hong Kong.
Photography by Dave Teng.


Translucence, 40 x 30cm, oil on canvas, 2022, Kanny Yeung.


Fractures, 40 x 30cm, oil on canvas, 2022, Kanny Yeung.


Cocoon, 122 x 91cm, oil on canvas, 2021, Kanny Yeung.
Photography by Dave Teng.


Find me hidden on the underside of a leaf, camouflaged in leaf litter on the ground, or tucked safely at the base of a tree trunk, concealed in a crevice.

For a little while, this self-spun silky encase keeps me warm and safe from the conditions of the outside world. An insulation that amplifies what is woven into the convolutions of my double helix—instructions for a metamorphosis.


Hollow, 50cm, oil on canvas, 2021-2022, Kanny Yeung.


Effuse, 122 x 91cm, oil on canvas, 2021, Kanny Yeung.
Photography by Dave Teng.


Last November, I found a place where the insistent humming of people and whirring of machines are diluted by the sound of steady water falling.

A tranquilizing white noise that drowns out the turbulent whitewaters trapped in my body.


Fall, 153 x 101 cm, oil on canvas, 2021, Kanny Yeung.
Photography by Dave Teng.


It lies in Aloneness.
and accepting this aloneness,
like gushing waters, infinitely.

With tricks now and then, but we return Here.
an Alien in this world, unable to find Home.


The Stranger, 102 x 76cm, oil on canvas, 2021, Kanny Yeung.


Self-portrait from a creepy dream, started back in February.

There were II of me—me standing behind me, staring at myselves unwaveringly in the bathroom mirror of the home I grew up in. I’m watching this figure that I know is me in form but I have no idea who it is or what it wants with me.


Spiral, 91 x 91cm, oil on canvas, 2022, Kanny Yeung.